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Abdulsalam Al-Aboud

Rendre à la vie sa beauté

A graduate of the Damascus Fine Arts School, Abdulsalam Al Aboud has been painting for over forty years. He has exhibited throughout the Middle East, and many of his paintings can be found on the walls of the region's various ministries of culture. In Europe, he made a name for himself in Germany and won a prize in Berlin. He also taught art in the United Arab Emirates and Syria, which he had to leave in 2017 due to political events. Now settled in Auvergne, he continues his work, which he defines as a true aesthete: "To give life back its beauty, to make Art a lifestyle in order to contribute to an aesthetic vision of the world, based on love in a simple, beautiful, spontaneous and human way."

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25, rue de la Treille à Clermont-Ferrand
Wednesday to Friday : 2.30 to 6pm
Sunday to Tuesday : 10.30am - 12.30am  and 2
.30 to 6pm
+33(0)749893383  //
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